About our centre and our teaching

Established in 1989, Kidzone is a quality, chartered and licenced childcare centre. We provide a caring environment that develops the intellectual, physical and emotional needs of each child. We are a non-profit community-based childcare centre, feeding any profit back into the development of the centre for community benefit.

We create an environment and curriculum that empowers tamariki as lifelong learners.
Lillah Mansoor, Kidzone Manager

Kidzone follows the New Zealand National Early Childhood Education Curriculum, Te Whāriki.

Te Whāriki envisages kaiako in early learning settings working in partnership with parents, whānau and community. Our teachers, parents and community work towards Te Whariki’s vision: “Children to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society”. We work to build a child’s self-confidence and social skills, while acknowledging parents/guardians as primary caregivers and educators of their children.

Preparing kids for the transition to school

Kidzone has a 'Transitions to school' program for our tamariki in the months before they transition to primary school. This helps build a strong foundation of skills and readiness for children to transition to school as confident, capable learners.

Tamariki learning is documented and shared via the online platform Storypark

This is a way to share what tamariki are learning and doing with whanau, and a perfect way for far away whanau to share in special moments and learning too. We create an environment and curriculum that empowers tamariki as lifelong learners.